CISC 7510X Final Exam employee(eid, name, email, phone, position, mid) client(cid, name, email, phone, street, city, state, zip) presentation(pid, cid, timstamp, description) pteam(pid, eid) sale(sid, cid, pid, amnt, timstamp) plog(lid, pid, notes, timstamp) 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. a 11. c 12. c 13. d 14. b 15. select a.* from client a left outer join presentation b on a.cid=b.cid and b.timstamp >= (now() - interval '6 months') where b.cid is null 16. with stat as ( select a.eid,sum(b.amnt) tot, max(sum(b.amnt)) over () maxtot from pteam a inner join sale b on group by a.eid ) select eid from stat where tot = maxtot 17. with stat as ( select a.eid,sum(coalesce(c.amnt,0)) tot, --note coalesce min(sum(coalesce(c.amnt,0))) over () mintot from employee a left outer join pteam b -- note left joins. on a.eid=b.eid left outer join sale c on group by a.eid ) select eid from stat where tot = mintot --for employees who did not sell anything, this will be 0. 18. with emp_presentations as ( -- setup start-time of each presentation for each employee. select b.eid,, extract(epoch from a.timstamp) tim from presentation a inner join pteam b on ), start_end as ( -- synthesize "start" and "end" records for each presentation. select 'S' evt, eid, pid, tim from emp_presentations union all select 'E' evt, eid, pid, tim+3600 from emp_presentations --3600 seconds is 1 hour. ), cnts as ( select a.*, -- sequentially count how many presentation each employee is in. -- when presentation starts, we add 1, when it ends we subtract 1. sum(case when evt='S' then 1 when evt='E' then -1 else 0 end) over (partition by eid order by tim rows between unbounded preceding and current row) cnt from start_end a ) select * from cnts where cnt>1 --only keep records when employee is in more than 1 presentation 19. a 20. b