Swarm AppletsJavaScript Darts: Rewrite of swarming applet in JavaScript Bouncy Balls: Mostly an experiment on getting things started (collision detection) Bouncy Boids: This is mostly the same as Bouncy Balls, except they're arrow shaped boids. Flocking Swarm: Basic flocking implementation. Flocking Swarm (with controls): Basic flocking implementation, with user controls (can see how various parameters effect how flocks behave---or don't behave). Food Carrying Antz: Swarm of `antz' (well, they're not ants, and they don't even look like ants... but it's a swarm). Anyway, they carry food from one point to another point. Conversion Flocks: Inspired by alex_n; there are two preachers (circles), and followers (boids). The closer a follower to a preacher, they more `faith' they get. When you're in a crowd of some faith, your faith tends to change to that. If you find yourself in a crowd of a different faith (at least 40% different from yours), then you die. Pretty much every time, only the two preachers are left standing. Kinda interesting. Snow Flake Dot: The applet implements ``diffusion limited aggregation'' (DLA). The process goes like this: start with a single `molecule' sitting all by itself, then other molecules randomly fly around. If they hit that lone molecule, they stick. Just out of this simple rule, over a long period of time, you get interesting looking patterns. Snow Flake Tetris: This applet is similar to the above one, except instead of dots flying around, it has Tetris pieces flying around (and sticking together). Kind of interesting what difference in pattern the pieces themselves make. Snow Flake (random walk): This applet is nearly identical to ``Snow Flake Dot'', except now it changes direction (random) every time step---basically every particle now does a random walk (which is supposedly the proper way of doing ``diffusion limited aggregation'' More soon to come...