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A work in progress. |
Because of the
companies young age, we don't have many production quality
finished works at this time. If you are interested in what
we are currently working on, we recommend visiting our
research page. |
Category: Program, HTML, PHP & CGI Generator
Version: III R8
Requires: A Perl Installation (Tested on both Linux and Windows).
License: GNU General Public License
Download: makehtml3_r8_gpl.tar.gz (12k)
Previous Versions: R7
MakeHTML III is more
or less an ASP (or JSP; whatever) engine for Perl, to generate static HTML pages for later
publishing onto the web-server. It has similar format, to ASP (or JSP), except it is using Perl
(as opposed to Visual Basic or Java). It can also be used to generate CGI scripts from plain HTML
files (and scripts). Has command format similar to JSP, and has the ability to do
bulk processing on entire directories. Works really fast! Documentation, usage instructions
and a sample can be found inside the archive.
Possible uses of this software includes creating easy to maintain web-sites.
Separating menus from the pages that include them allows you to modify menus without updating many pages. You
can also access the database, make system calls, call other programs, process input files, etc., all
inside your input scripts. In practice, this program has proven to be quite useful.
R8 (Release 8) adds on PHP compatibility. The script will now process
PHP files just as it does HTML. Note, your PHP documents should be using
<?php ... ?> tags instead of <% ... %>.
Actual user testimony: "Oh yea, I'm using makehtml3 right now, this thing is pretty snifty;
makes my life just a little bit easier; you can put that on the page as an actual user testimony!" - iddqd (alex.n) |
Category: Program, WebSite Management.
Version: 1.0
Requires: Java Virtual Machine.
License: Demo
Download: LinkAnalyzer_1_0.zip (121k)
Link Analyzer is a program to
search websites for broken links. It parses and reports on good and bad links, in a variety of
formats. If you're running a website, simply try out this program on your pages, and see if you've missed
some broken links. This program will detect local and non-local broken links, and provide a possible
reason for the downed link (server down, file not found, host not found, etc.)
Usage instructions and other program information is found in the archive. |
Category: Program, AI, CGI
Version: POC2.1 (Proof Of Concept 2.1)
Requires: A Perl Installation (Tested on both Linux and Windows).
License: GNU General Public License
Download: profphreak_poc2_1_gpl.tar.gz (50k)
Previous Versions: POC1
Prof.Phreak is a program to
simulate a human conversation.
In 1966 Joseph Weizenbaum at M.I.T. wrote ELIZA, a famous program that simulates a Rogerian
psychoanalyst by taking excerpts from the subject's comments and posing questions back to the
subject. While not a giant leap in AI programming, ELIZA (named after Eliza Dolittle in My Fair Lady) showed
that some 'awareness' could be synthesized simply by using input pattern recognition, combined with
predefined phrases. Some people claim that ELIZA was the first program to pass the Turing Test, fooling
subjects into thinking it was an actual person.
Prof.Phreak is the
next generation of that, having a huge database, calculation abilities, processing abilities, etc. You can
check out the current proof of concept version here, or download
it and run it on your own computer or website!
The program is currently implemented in Perl, uses a large database of
conversation items, and has a CGI interface (courtesy of MakeHTML III). You can
learn about the format of the database, programs abilities, and other such
things at the main Prof.Phreak's page.
The archive includes the program, cgi, databases, and a technical description of
how it works, problems, possible modifications, etc. |
Boid Flocks (Screen Saver) |
Category: Program, Screen Saver
OS: Windows NT/2K/XP
License: GNU General Public License
Download: boidflocks.zip (34k; includes windows binary + source code)
Basically a Windows screen saver version of the FlockingSwarm applet. Share and enjoy :-)
The Colloquium (Screen Saver) |
Category: Program, Screen Saver
OS: Windows NT/2K/XP
License: GNU General Public License
Download: gctalksrc.zip (31k; includes windows binary + source code)
This is a `graduate center talk' inspired screen saver.
Basically right after the colloquium when the speaker started
to take questions from the audience, the speaker's screen saver
kicked in, and grabbed everyone's attension.
And hey, I realized how it worked, and made my own simplified
version in an hour or so after the talk, and here it is :-)
It doesn't
contain any advertisement banners, or nag screens of any kind. It is just a cool looking screen saver, nothing more.
Category: Program, Screen Saver
OS: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
Price: 100% Free (do whatever you want with it!)
Download: ParticleWave.zip (18k)
Source Code: ParticleWaveSrc.zip (4k)
This is our old
promotional Screen Saver. It was written a while ago, but never got to see an official distribution until now. It doesn't
contain any advertisement banners, or nag screens of any kind. It is just a cool looking screen saver, nothing more.
Installation instructions (and a license agreement) can be found inside
the archive. Visual C++ source code is downloaded seperately.
Category: Program, Utility.
License: GNU General Public License
which.zip |
is a really simple Win32 version of the UNIX which utility; it
looks for a file in the path; and reports it when it is found. |
dbconnect.zip |
simple Java app illustrating how to connect to an ODBC database (with
directions of how to setup a database using plain Windows with absolutely
no outside libraries or database software). A small useful command line
utility for quick and simple database needs. |
Category: Software, Library.
pThreadPool.zip |
is a Java Thread Pool library that makes multi-threading programming
easy. Comes with several examples, including a fully functioning multi-threaded,
very efficient, and very fast Web Server that's using this thread pool lib to
handle client connections. Just an illustration of what this library is capable
of. Free for non-commercial use. |
Category: Program, Language Interpreter
License: GNU General Public License
pProlog.zip |
pProlog is a
limited Prolog System implemented in Java. What makes this version special is that
it DOES NOT implement the Warren Abstract Machine, which it seems, every other Prolog
implementation does. This pProlog is not meant as production quality code (nor is it
even a good test base), just an obscure curiosity of something that is not implemented
in a standard fashion. |
© 1996-2024 by End of the World Production, LLC. |
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